Thøger Larsen
Thøger Larsen var en digter, som blev født i 1875 i Tørring Sogn nordvest for Lemvig. Som voksen boede han i Lemvig og var bl.a. redaktør for det radikale Lemvig Dagblad. Han døde i 1928.
Thøger Larsen has written ”Danmark, nu blunder den lyse Nat”. (Denmark, now the light night is resting). It was written at a party at Jeppes Aakjærs farm Jenle in 1914. It his his most famous song and his collected lyrics places him amongst the has placed him among Denmark's best poets.
Lemvig Museum's exibition on Thøger Larsen shows his study, at the house by Lemvig Lake. In 1958, the present room was decorated and the things are placed exactly the way they where, when Thøger Larsen passed away. It is full of books, maps, drawings and astronomical instruments.
He worked with his studies of language, mythology and astronomy and wrote poetry and short stories. This often happened at night because his days where full of the daily chors at the newspaper.
Read more about Thøger Larsen at the webpage of Lemvig Museum.